This collaboration, between Gene Gort, Ken Steen and Jeffrey Krieger, was begun in the spring of 2005, designed as a parallel media project (a project with multiple iterations). The work examines the elegance, simple beauty and importance of labor as a creative process. It previewed on April 30, 2006, presented by the New Britain Museum of American Art. A second preview occured on August 31, 2006 with the trio in residence from August 28-31. The remarkable percussionists, The Quey Percussion Duo, were featured in this performance. The premier presentation was on November 26, 2006 to coincide with the final stage of the opening of the museum's new arts complex containing a performance space and new galleries.
The associated website is a repository of our working process to remove the mystery of the "performance event" or the final artwork. During the development of the work, viewers could download sound, image and video clips there and subscribe to podcasts. The project site is |